Sunday, October 30, 2005

Anxiously awaiting the latest BCS standings...

With a big win over Boston College and Texas somewhat struggling with Oklahoma State, I can't wait to see if Virginia Tech gained enough ground to move to #2. Big game this coming week. Probably the biggest game of the season for any school. GO HOKIES!

Friday, October 28, 2005

And you thought commercials are bad at home...

As I sit here on duty, occassionally glancing at the television showing the Armed Forces Network one persistent thought keeps crossing my mind. Why do they show commercials that advertise the Armed Forces Network, on the Armed Forces Network? What choice do I or anyone else have that watches it. I can't tune up any other network from here and they don't show the commercials anywhere else. I just don't understand...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Try teaching Psychology to young inquisitive minds in a country that collectively needs a Psychologist

As I sit here writing a Psychology exam for my class I think back at all the questions my students have asked over the course of the last month and a half. Many have been along the lines of "Why do we study so much Anatomy", especially of the brain. Some have been went with "What does something an ancient old dead dude said have to do with our lives today." While those are pretty good and even humorous, the best questions are "Why do the Iraqi's do..." and there have been many. I used to start to answer them, now I don't quite know. At least the Referendum passed. Maybe if this country finally moves towards democracy and peace, we will all be able to understand the Iraqi mind and they ours.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

You know you've made it when...

You get a shout out from an old buddy on his Blog site. Yums it's been too long. I will in fact try to keep this site up to date. I am slowly attempting to have as many of our friends join and become members as I can. Hope all is well.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Iraq is much better when there is something to do...

When there are no missions to go do it gets pretty boring around here. Of course I always have my "to do lists" of minor things to take care of. What would I do without "to do lists?"

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Opening Remarks

Fortuitous Adventure... I am still deciding the merit in that. I guess there is a positive outlook trying to surface somewhere in there. On a cold, boring night in Iraq it seems farther away than normal. Other nights, I laugh so hard with the Marines with whom I work that it almost seems like we like this place.
I miss and love you Randi and Brady